Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New York

It occurs to me, as I am planning my trip to New York this year, that I have yet to review Edward Rutherfurd's book about the city. I love Edward Rutherfurd, his insanely long novels make me feel like I've accomplished something when they are done. I usually like his stories and the amazing historical research he must have done to finish a 1000 paged novel, and New York was no different. Perhaps because unlike London, the Forest, and Russia, I've spent some time in New York, and I spent a lot of the early part of the book trying to figure out in my head where that is in relation to places I've been. Or maybe American History is far more familiar to me than the history of other places (shut up, my minor was History, didn't mean I need to retain anything). Whatever the case, New York is not my favorite of his novels, and if you are going to read a couple thousand pages on the history of a city, I would start with London. But if you loved Pillars of the Earth, or just really like historical fiction, Edward Rutherfurd is a great read.

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