Tonight I met Jasper Fforde. I know, I'm excited for me too. He's dreamy. Charming, witty, clever and all of it comes out sounding prettier because he's British. He can say works like languid and droll. I don't think I've ever heard an American say languid and not sound pretentious. Jasper did not sound pretentious. He talked for an hour, and it was funny, interesting and no one asked a stupid question (unheard of in my experience of book signings). No, I take that back, one question was stupid, but the guy wanted so badly for it not to be a stupid question, I forgive him. I spent the last two days in a panic that this stupid snow storm would ruin my chance at finally meeting Fforde. But the skies cleared up, he was able to arrive from Michigan (again, I'm not stalking him, I just spent some time ignoring my job to check his website this week), Patricia and I were able to get to Old Orchard (another big worry, Patricia hates snow, I was scared I would have to dork out on my own), have a lovely warm dinner and listen to him talk about his books for an hour! His new book is a departure, so if you are reading this and decided to read him, start with the Eyre affair. But I think it's going to be great. I'll let you know how great when I finish my signed copy (eeeh!). He talked a little bit about how he comes up with stories, basically by coming up with a strange concept, say the murder of Humpty Dumpty, and figuring out how that would work. He wrote the first two Thursday books after the Nursery Crimes books didn't sell, and he wrote them for him, thinking they would never be published. He found an agent, who sold it basically it by copying a bunch of copies and giving it to her staff and then their friends. That's awesome. Because you can't describe these books, even eloquent Jasper can't. So he suggest we just say "Don't ask, just read it." And so, my friends, that is my suggestion to you. The books are amazing, but unexplainable. His next book is going to be another Thursday book! I love Thursday books. This is a writer who writes for readers. Especially the Thursday books, but all of them really. I was surprised to learn he dropped out of school at 18, though his entire family are academics. He's so clever, and his books are so well written and interestingly plotted. I love writers who write for readers. That's something I've heard before from other authors when they are asked about movie deals. Fforde claims his books, at least the Thursday books, will never be made into movies. I hope he sticks with that, and I wouldn't try to put Jack Spratt and Mary Mary on the big screen either. The impression I got, is this is a guy who knows he owes all of his success to 'constant readers' as Stephen King always calls us, and that letting Hollywood take a crack at Thursday and her world would be a mistake.
And he gave out buttons! And postcards! I just love going to author signings! And this means that I have now met all of my favorite living authors. So whatever else 2010 brings, at least I met one great author. BEA, I'm looking at you. Get the good authors to show up, have them sign new books, and don't try to convince me that I will ever care about James Patterson. Now there is an author who can sell the rights to all of his books, written or a movie, his plots will still suck. Christopher Moore, I better see you in New York. And Jasper should come back! I have a feeling his entire rabid following will be there.
I really have to finish Home for tomorrows book club. It's really good, I swear, but unprepared for decently posed questions.
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