Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Because I was reading so many romance novels (one of which I just reviewed, the other I'm holding off until I have to reread it for bookclub next month), I grabbed a free copy of Horns by Joe Hill at work. Joe Hill is a writer of his own worth, but despite that, the only way I've ever heard him recommended is "He's Stephen King's son." Now, while this short sentence is accurate and allows us booksellers to sell you curious public on another great horror novelist, it's not really fair. He's not Jonathan Kellerman (wait, is that the son, which one is the son of the two Kellermans?), he's not Carol something Clark. He's going to be just Joe Hill in a decade or so, if he writes books like Horns, or Heart Shaped Box, his first full novel, but for right now, he's Joe Hill, Stephen Kings son. Horns opens with Ig Perrish awakening to find that he has grown horns in the night (as well as a little devil beard, you get the idea). He can't remember what he did, but he does know that these horns make people tell him their deepest darkest secrets. He uses this new power to cause a shenanigans with his family and friends, and to discover the real killer of his high school sweetheart. If you like his father, and wish he would use more Rock and Roll references, this is the book for you. Jesse Kellerman is the son of Jonathan and Faye and is now writing mysteries, for those of you who were wondering, I had to go look it up.

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