Monday, June 15, 2009

Sacred Hearts

   Sarah Dunant's latest book, Sacred Hearts, let me warn you, comes out in July.  But it's great.  Birth of Venus and In the Company of the Courtesan were better, but I liked this one, especially the ending.  Sacred Heart's follows two very different women in a convent.  One is the daughter of a doctor, who after he dies is forced into the convent, but once there finds a way to practice medicine.  The other is a novice, forced into the convent after her sister married (a common occurance during the time) who is torn away from her musician love.  Despite my day job, I don't find nuns or convents very interesting, and I skimmed most of the religious descriptions.  But I did like the characters, and the historical aspects of the story were very interesting.  It's a little heavy for a light fluffy summer read (seriously, anything with nuns is too heavy for the summer), but I'd recommend it for fall (or for those of you who want to read a good story and don't think summer is for avoiding Catholicism).

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